Vacancy Application Form - Register Now

Lettings and Business Administration Apprentice, Casa Lettings, Hindley, WN2

To enable you to apply for an Apprenticeship or Traineeship with us, you must have been a resident of the UK, EU/EEA for the whole of the last three years (not including holidays). Please note at the first interview stage with us, you will be asked a number of eligibility questions to check if you qualify for full funding.

Engineering Applicants – Please be aware that our engineering intake takes place in September only. If you apply for this sector, please be mindful that positions may now be under the recruitment process and may no longer accept further applications.

Personal Details

Male Female Prefer not to Say
Disability- This information is to enable us to assist you in your learning and will not affect the selection process.
Yes No Prefer not to Say

Address Details

Qualifications/School Grades

Additional Information

If you do not have a CV, please complete the below questions to enable us to create a CV on your behalf.

I understand that the information given by me will be treated in confidence and will only be used for administrative, statistical evaluation and monitoring purposes by the staff of Alliance Learning or by the funding organisations. Details may be forwarded onto companies who have suitable vacancies.


I declare that the information in this form is true and complete and that if any details I have given are found to be false or misleading, this could result in me being ineligible for recruitment.